

Helmets are mandatory and should be worn at almost when skating on the track! If you don’t have a helmet, you can’t participate. If you skate without a helmet, you will be disqualified and have to leave the track.


Participation is only possible after a valid registration and when the payment of the entry fee has been received. There will be no late registrations on raceday. Registrations will close two weeks before the event or when the maximum number of participants has been reached.
The entry fee has to be paid within 7 days after registration, otherwise your registration will expire.
Make sure you pay in time.
The maximum number of participants is 120 solo riders.


To participate in the solo category at the Dutch Ultraskate, you have to be at least 10 years old at the day of the event.
Participants between ages 10 and 16 are required to bring a supervisor. The supervisor needs to be 18 years or older. This person needs to be present during the entire event. Your supervisor is allowed to skate, but should always be standby, in case of an emergency.

Race categories

Open category: All competitors regardless of discipline, age or gender.
Women's category: Competitors who identify as female. For our transgender policy please refer to the SkateIDSA rules section 5 (
Master's category: Competitors of 50 years or older at the day of the event (all genders).
Stand up paddle and SUP+ category: Competitors using a land paddle for propulsion. For additional rules see the section ‘Stand up paddle (SUP) and SUP+’.

For the 6-hour edition of the Dutch Ultraskate there will not be a team category!

Stand up paddle (SUP) and SUP+

To be eligible for the SUP category you can only use a paddle and the movement of your board (pumping) for propulsion. Using your feet to propel the board is not allowed.
For the SUP+ category pushing, pumping and the use of a paddle for propulsion is allowed. To be eligible for this category you have to carry a paddle at all times when skating on the track.

Distance skated and records

For the final results only completed laps as registered by the timing system are counted towards your final milage. If your final lap is completed outside the time limit of 6 hours, it is not counted or partially counted towards your final total milage.


Supporters are allowed to hand you food and drinks during the race but are not allowed to skate or cycle with you during the race.

Skating rules

It is prohibited to be pulled, pushed or anything by someone else. Breaking this rule will lead to disqualification.
It is allowed to draft behind another participant, but please keep it safe! Don’t skate too close to each other and keep it fair.
If you’re skating anywhere on the track, and someone faster wants to pass you, make sure you go out of their way. The track is for everybody, but try not to hinder anyone.
If you’re skating in a group, make sure you still have space for other skaters to pass, don’t take up more than about half the width of the track.
If you want to overtake a person or a group, do this preferably on the left side of the track. If this is not possible, let them know on which side you will pass.
Not following these rules will lead to disqualification.


Participants can use multiple boards and are allowed to switch between them during the race.
The board(s) have to be in good state. It is forbidden to ride an electric skateboard.

Fire, smoking and drugs

It is not allowed to smoke on the track. If you have to smoke, do it at the designed smoking area.
Smoking weed/cannabis/marijuana is NOT allowed anywhere on the property during the entire event. In fact, no drugs of any kind are allowed. Violating this rule will result in a permanent ban from all future editions of the Dutch Ultraskate
If you have to smoke, please put your cigarette butts in the ashtray. (Yes, there will be one.)
It is not allowed at all times to make a campfire. We want to stay friends with the track owners.


There will be electricity to charge your small electronic devices such as phones/cameras/etc.
The time system uses the same electricity source, so it is not allowed to use powerful electronic devices such as electrical stoves or kettles. If we have a power loss, we are going to have troubles with the timing system.


We are guests at the Ultraskate track. Make sure you leave it as clean as possible behind you.
Don’t throw your garbage on the track, keep it with you till the start and throw it in the trash bin.
Keep the toilets as clean as possible. If everybody does this, we do not have to clean as much at the end.
We have to clean up the track together, make sure you help with at least picking up your own garbage.

IDSA sanctioning

The Dutch Ultraskate is an IDSA sanctioned event and therefore general rules as set by the IDSA also count for the Dutch Ultraskate. Those rules can be found on the Skate IDSA website (

Refund policy

A partial refund of half the registration fee is only possible up to three weeks before the event. After that a refund is not possible anymore.


The organization can at all times make exceptions to these rules.
The organization can at all times tell someone to leave the track and withdraw them from participation.
The organization will make a remark if someone is not following the rules or behaving like he/she is supposed to be. There will be no discussion regarding this.
Participants are fully responsible for themselves. The organization cannot be held responsible for any damage to yourself or your belongings.
The final results of the Ultraskate will be submitted to IDSA record list only by the organisation. You can formally object against the results if you think your final result is incorrect. However, the organization is at all times allowed to reject your objection.